Business English

Post in : Education Last updated: April 8, 2024
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USD 95
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Course Description

Students often think that learning Business English is the same thing as learning business. It is not. This course will assist students to develop their English communication in a business context.

The contents of this course assists students who intend to participate in some form of business activity, to communicate seamlessly and lucidly with others, within and outside their professions.

Many people will benefit from learning Business English geared towards entrepreneurs (budding or otherwise). This includes people who wish to extend their thinking beyond the corporate world- company executives, employees and students are among them.

This course is for intermediate to advanced students who are expected to have a working knowledge of written and spoken English. This course will introduce them to the business world in an easily readable and entertaining way.

This Business English course combines the use of a range of language skills – listening, reading, speaking and writing- as well as imparting knowledge of business protocol in different settings. It also provides the opportunity to practise different and international ways to converse in Business English. To ensure fluency, students are encouraged to practise each exercise they are working on several times a day.

The course structure is also planned to keep students involved and motivated. It covers several topics such as presentation, meeting and negotiation skills as well as giving an explanation as to how to handle emails.  Students are encouraged to role play when appropriate, while they learn the vocabulary of specific sectors in their career.

This course is written from a western perspective. Students are expected to keep this in mind, especially as regards the ethical understanding of issues.

Students are also encouraged to make use of various resources from the internet and elsewhere. (Where these are used in the text, quotations are attributed.) By using these resources along with the course materials, students can be ensured that they will receive all the knowledge necessary to be competent in Business English.

We welcome your input and criticism. You are encouraged to correspond with us at: [email protected] and [email protected].

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